Telehealth sessions are available for your convenience.
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The providers of Avalon Behavioral Health, PLC are certified to provide Telehealth Psychological services. We use a secure, HIPAA compliant, telecommunication software platform with audio and video capabilities to provide real-time interactive communication. We can also offer our services via telephone if it proves more convenient for a client. These mediums of Telehealth for therapy can provide a dynamic similar to meeting at our office; however, they are some extra steps you can take to facilitate the therapeutic process. The information below on this page will provide more information as well as address some specific FAQ's we've been receiving.
The most common device you can use for Telehealth Sessions is a smartphone. If you have another device you would prefer to use such as a laptop or tablet, just let us know. If you do not own a smartphone, there are other mediums we can ask you about prior to offering services via telephone.
Try to leave yourself a few additional minutes both before and after the session. You may need to ask others in your space to respect your privacy during the Telehealth Session.
Make sure the device you will use is fully charged or plugged in. Also be sure that the camera on your device is uncovered and functional. Adjust the lighting in the room if necessary. Double check your wifi or data to ensure a stable connection. Close other apps on the device to prevent slowing during the call. Be prepared to block or screen other calls that may be received on the device during the session.
We can provide you with guidance during your first Telehealth Session if you are unsure of anything.
Telehealth Sessions will work similarly to the services provided in office. Appointments are typically 45 or 60 minutes. Most clients are seen once a week in the beginning, then less frequently as time goes on. Clients in crisis may be seen more frequently as determined by the individual and the clinician. Any questions regarding this may be discussed with the counselor.